cross-rate — UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE the rate at which currency from one country can be exchanged for currency from another country, that is calculated by comparing the value of each to the value of the currency of a third country, especially the US dollar:… … Financial and business terms
cross rate — The exchange rate between two currencies, in which the home country s currency is not included. In the U.S., the euro/yen rate would be considered a cross rate, while in Europe or Japan it would be considered a primary pair. Chicago Mercantile… … Financial and business terms
Cross Rate — The currency exchange rate between two currencies, both of which are not the official currencies of the country in which the exchange rate quote is given in. This phrase is also sometimes used to refer to currency quotes which do not involve the… … Investment dictionary
Cross Rate — Unter einer Cross Rate (zu deutsch Kreuzkurs, manchmal auch falsch als Kreuzrate od. Crosskurs übersetzt) versteht man den errechneten Wechselkurs zwischen zwei Währungen, der sich aus der Verkettung zweier anderer Wechselkursrelationen ergibt.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cross rate — noun Etymology: cross (III) : the rate of exchange of two foreign currencies based on their quotation in a third market the sterling dollar cross rate in francs in Paris … Useful english dictionary
cross rate — anharmoniškumo santykis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. anharmonic ratio; cross rate; double ratio vok. Doppelverhältnis, n rus. ангармоническое отношение, n; двойное отношение, n; сложное отношение, n pranc. rapport anharmonique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Cross-rate — Crọss rate [...reɪt], die; [engl., zu: rate = ↑Satz (5), Tarif] (Bankw., Wirtsch.): Mittel zur Feststellung des echten Wertes einer Währung im Vergleich zur amtlich festgesetzten Parität unter Bezug auf den Dollarkurs … Universal-Lexikon
cross rate — An exchange rate between two currencies based upon the rate of each of them with a third currency, often the US dollar … Accounting dictionary
Cross- rate — An exchange rate calculated from two other bilateral exchange rates, i.e., two different currencies compared to the same third currency … International financial encyclopaedia
Cross rate — An exchange rate between two foreign currencies. As such it is the ratio between the exchange rates of two foreign currencies in terms of a third currency … International financial encyclopaedia
cross-rate — noun an exchange rate between two currencies computed by reference to a third currency, usually the US dollar … English new terms dictionary